gegründet 1928

1960 mit Hunting-Clan und Air Charter zur British United Airways (BUA) fusioniert


(Thanks to John Schmidt)

Bristol 170
G-AICS Bristol 170 Mk.I c/n 12762 1949-1949 leased
G-ALSJ Bristol 170 Mk.31E c/n 12937 1955-1955

DeHavilland DH.84 Dragon
G-ACEU DeHavilland DH.84 c/n 6022 1933-1937
G-ACEV DeHavilland DH.84 c/n 6023 1933-1936
G-ACMC DeHavilland DH.84 c/n 6053 1933-1936
G-ACMJ DeHavilland DH.84 c/n 6058 1933-1940
G-ACNI DeHavilland DH.84 c/n 6071 1934-1937

DeHavilland DH-86 Express
G-ADEA DeHavilland DH.86 c/n 2323 1937-1938
G-ADEC DeHavilland DH.86 c/n 2325 1937-1938
G-ADMY DeHavilland DH.86 c/n 2327 1937-1940
G-ADYH DeHavilland DH.86B c/n 2344 1937-1937
G-ADYI DeHavilland DH.86B c/n 2345 1937-1938

DeHavilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide
G-ADAE DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6272 1935-1938
G-ADAG DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6266 1935-1940
G-ADAH DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6278 1935-  ??  
G-ADAI DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6287 1935-1940
G-ADCL DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6277 1935-1936
G-ADDF DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6284 1935-1937
G-ADIM DeHavilland DH.89A c/n 6293 1935-1940

DeHavilland DH.104 Dove
G-AKSS DeHavilland Dove 1B c/n 04122 1948-1949
G-AMEI DeHavilland Dove 2B c/n 04296 1950-1951

Douglas DC-3
G-AGIS Douglas C-47A-DK c/n 12017 1953-1953
G-AGKC Douglas C-47A-1-DK c/n 25591 1949-1951
G-AGYZ Douglas C-47A-DK c/n 12278 1954-1957
G-AKJN Douglas C-47A-10-DK c/n 12489 1951-1951
G-AMBW Douglas C-47A-30-DK c/n 25275 1950-1953
G-AMRA Douglas C-47B-15-DK c/n 26735 1953-1960
G-AMZD Douglas C-47B-25-DK c/n 32860 1953-1959 w/o 19.8.59 Barcelona
G-AMZW Douglas C-47B-DK c/n 27099 1953-1953
G-AMZX Douglas C-47B-DK c/n 26732 1953-1953

Douglas DC-4
N5288N Douglas C-54A-DC c/n 10318 1955-1955 leased

GAL ST25 Monostar
G-ADLT GAL ST25 c/n GAL/ST/25/50 1935-1937

Handley Page Hermes
G-AKFP Handley Page Hermes 4A c/n 1 1953-1957 w/o 1.9.57 Kalkutta
G-ALDA Handley Page Hermes 4 c/n 2 1952-1959
G-ALDB Handley Page Hermes 4A c/n 3 1952-1952 w/o 23.7.52 Orleans
G-ALDC Handley Page Hermes 4 c/n 4 1952-1959
G-ALDF Handley Page Hermes 4A c/n 7 1952-1952 w/o 25.8.52 Trapani,Scilly Isl.
G-ALDG Handley Page Hermes 4 c/n 8 1954-1959
G-ALDO Handley Page Hermes 4 c/n 16 1952-1952 leased
Hermes Hermes Hermes Hermes
(Thanks to John Schmidt for images #3 + #4)

Miles M.57 Aerovan
G-AJOG Miles M.57 Aerovan 4 c/n 6410 1947-1949
G-AJWK Miles M.57 Aerovan 4 c/n 6414 1947-1948

Short S.16
G-ACUZ Short S.16 c/n S.778 1935-1940

Vickers Viking
G-AHOR Vickers 498 Viking 1A c/n 118 1953-1955
G-AHOT Vickers 498 Viking 1A c/n 121 1953-1954
G-AHOW Vickers 498 Viking 1A c/n 124 1953-1954
G-AHOY Vickers 614 Viking 1 c/n 128 1948-1948 leased
G-AIXR Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 233 1947-1959
G-AIXS Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 234 1947-1954 w/o 15.8.54 Blackbushe
G-AJFP Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 235 1947-1948
G-AJFR Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 236 1947-1952
G-AJFS Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 237 1947-1958
G-AJFT Vickers 627 Viking 1B c/n 238 1947-1960
G-AKTU Vickers 634 Viking 1B c/n 211 1948-1960
G-AKTV Vickers 634 Viking 1B c/n 208 1948-1959
Viking Viking Viking
(Thanks to Mike Charlton for image #3)

Vickers Viscount
G-AODG Vickers Viscount 736 c/n 77 1958-1959
G-AODH Vickers Viscount 736 c/n 78 1958-1959
G-APND Vickers Viscount 831 c/n 402 1959-1960
G-APNE Vickers Viscount 831 c/n 403 1959-1960
G-ASED Vickers Viscount 831 c/n 419 1959-1959
Viscount Viscount Viscount
(Thanks to Mike Charlton for images #2 + #3)

Avro 616 Avian
G-AACV Avro 616 Aviam IVM c/n 239      ?      
G-AAVP Avro 616 Aviam IVM c/n 417 ?

Avro Cadet Series
G-ACHN Avro 638 Club Cadet c/n 651 1933-1945 w/o 1945
G-ACHO Avro 638 Club Cadet c/n 652 1933-1941
G-ACHP Avro 638 Club Cadet c/n 653 1933-1942
G-ACNY Avro 638 Club Cadet c/n 686 1934-1941
G-ACTZ Avro 638 Club Cadet c/n 720 1934-1941
G-ACXJ Avro 643 Cadet c/n 758 1934-  ??  

Avro 641 Commodore
G-ACRX Avro 641 c/n 700 1934-1936
G-ACUA Avro 641 c/n 721 1934-1936

BA Swallow L25
G-ACUF BA Swallow L25C Mk.2 c/n 16 1935-1940

Cierva C30
G-ACUT Cierva CA30A c/n 725 1934-1937

Comper Swift
G-AAZC Comper CLA7 Swift c/n S30/4 1938-1943
G-ACGL Comper CLA7 Swift c/n S33/6 ?

DeHavilland Moth Series
G-AAAS DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 810 1936-1937
G-AABK DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 811 ?
G-AACY DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 841 1928-  ??  
G-AAKC DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1149 ?
G-AAKW DeHavilland DH.60M Moth c/n 1380 1936-1937
G-AALX DeHavilland DH.60M Moth c/n 1410 1929-  ??  
G-AAMS DeHavilland DH.60X Moth c/n 1285 1939-1940
G-AAVB DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2003 ?
G-AAXS DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2009 ?
G-ABBO DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1272 1933-1933
G-ABCG DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1288 1938-1939
G-ABCS DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1282 ?
G-ABDI DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2091 ?
G-ABDK DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1804 ?
G-ABEM DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2109 ?
G-ABEO DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1813 ?
G-ABGP DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1816 1931-1932
G-ABGS DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2117 ?
G-ABKG DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2157 1939-1940
G-ABLD DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2158 1931-  ??  
G-ABLZ DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1853 ?
G-ABMA DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1854 1937-1937
G-ABMP DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2185 ?
G-ABNC DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2170 ?
G-ABND DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1845 1933-1933
G-ABNE DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1384 1935-1936
G-ABOA DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1859 1936-1937
G-ABOC DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2201 ?
G-ABOE DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1856 1939-1940
G-ABWF DeHavilland DH.83 Fox Moth c/n 4008 1932-1933 w/o 17.7.33 Bury
G-ACIA DeHavilland DH.60G III Moth Major c/n 5033 1935-1936
G-ADCO DeHavilland DH.85 Loepard Moth c/n 7093 1935-1940
G-ADLP DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2111 1935-1936 w/o 5.9.36 Dane Hill
G-ADOF DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3399 1935-1940
G-ADOG DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3400 1935-1940
G-ADOH DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3401 1935-1940
G-ADOI DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3402 1935-1940
G-ADOJ DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3403 1935-1940
G-ADOK DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3404 1935-1940
G-ADOL DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3405 1935-1940
G-ADOM DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3406 1935-1940
G-ADON DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3407 1935-1940
G-ADOO DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3408 1935-1940
G-ADOP DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3409 1935-1940
G-ADOR DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3410 1935-1940
G-ADVN DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3427 1935-1940
G-ADVO DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3428 1935-1936 w/o 8.2.36 Perth
G-ADVP DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3429 1935-1940
G-ADXK DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3457 1935-1940
G-ADXN DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3458 1935-1940
G-ADXO DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3459 1935-1940
G-ADXP DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3460 1935-1940
G-ADXR DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3461 1935-1940
G-AEDZ DeHavilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth c/n 1031 1936-  ??  
G-AEEA DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3495 1936-1940
G-AEOA DeHavilland DH.80A Puss Moth c/n 2184 1936-  ??  
G-AEUV DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3599 1937-1940
G-AFDC DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3594 1937-1937
G-AFDD DeHavilland DH.82A Tiger Moth c/n 3595 1937-1937

Miles M.-Series
G-ADLO MilesM.2P Major c/n 220 1935-1937
G-AERS Miles M.11A Whitney Straight c/n 304 1937-  ??  
G-AEYJ Miles M.11A Whitney Straight c/n 343 1938-1938
G-AFAY Miles M.3B Falcon Six c/n 233 1937-  ??  
G-AFBF Miles M.3B Falcon Six c/n 256 1937-1939
G-AFGK Miles M.11A Whitney Straight c/n 509 1940-1948
G-AFGL Miles M-17 Monarch c/n 786 1938-1939
G-AFJJ Miles M.11A Whitney Straight c/n 306 1939-1940
G-AFTX Miles M-17 Monarch c/n 795 1939-1939

Percival Gull
G-ACHA Percival Gull Six c/n D30 1933-1935
G-ADFA Percival Gull Six c/n D50 1938-1940
G-AEPS Percival P.10 Vega Gull c/n K.45 1937-1938
G-AETE Percival P.10 Vega Gull c/n K.47   ?? - 1939